Sunday, 4 January 2015

Bespoke Computer Fabrication

I’ve always had an interest in computers, but my interest didn’t turn into a true hobby and a passion until I had left university, which is when I came across the Custom PC (CPC) magazine. CPC are due much criticism, not only did they get me truly interested in a hobby, which like all hobbies is a never-ending fiscal drain, but a hobby that goes obsolete as fast as you can bat an eye lid such as computers, but also folding at home. The final flavour of the computing hobby that they have gotten me into is modding.

What is modding? 

Well modding is the activity of modifying your PC. This can range from simply adding some UV lights and fans, right up to a bespoke design, fabrication and paint job! The Custom PC and Bit Tech website has hundreds of articles on modding and an extremely active modding community. Reading all the articles and seeing the, quite frankly pieces of art (!), that is being produced has made me want to get into it too. Especially with the articles, they make it look so easy to get into and to produce fine pieces of kit. So if it’s so easy, I'm going to have a crack at it and earn some e-fame! What could possibly go wrong? …

So I've got some ideas on some mod’s I want to do. And I plan to do a complete build log so that I can publicise my work. I'm new to this, so I'm not expecting a work of art, but it will be an experience. In the coming weeks and months, possibly even years (I'm not a full-time Modder – I wish!) you will get to see me pulling together some designs. So for now, you’ll just have to wait and see!

Ciao for now!

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