Sunday, 1 March 2015

PC Mod: Minecraft Creeper Case Build Log #4


Firstly, apologies its been a long time since I put up anything.
Since I am not a pro modder and don’t possess the skills that most avid modders have of being able to go from a conceptual drawing straight to a working on the final product in metal work, I figured that I would try mocking up my design and ideas first.
Having moved into my first home a couple of months I have an abundance of cardboard boxes, so I believe I can hack and coerce them to help me model my project.

Rallying the Soldiers

The first step was that I needed dimensions from the items that I knew I would be using in this build, so it was a case of digging into the chassis of my gaming rig so that I could measure up the size of the motherboard and a GTX 260. The PSU I would be using is currently in what is my HTPC so I decided to measure up one of the random, no-name ones that I had laying around.
So, armed with dimensions, a stanley knife, a measuring tape and a bit of wood I headed out to the garden to start slicing and dicing (hopefully not me!).
I got cracking by working out how best to maximise my usage of the cardboard. It worked out that the large square side is, give or take a centimeter the same size as the motherboard. So that was a quick decision.
Out of the material that you can see in the above picture, I managed to cut out shapes for the motherboard, the PSU and the graphics card.
So now that I had all the bits, it was time to start sticking them together. The motherboard was just left as is, the two pieces that were for the graphics card were taped together quickly. Now the PSU took a bit more effort. I had cut out 8 pieces for the PSU, I then used smaller pieces of card as a spacer to try and bulk up the stack to make it more like the actual PSU size.
So now I have the motherboard, graphics card and PSU modelled, the next task is a bit to represent the SSD/HDD, radiators and pump. Once they are made, then its on to making the actual chassis/framework that will be the case. Personally, it’s starting to come together slowly I think!
Take care, ciao for now!
cav3 d1v3r

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